Nominations for the inaugural Electric Vehicle Innovation and Excellence Awards (EVIEs) are now open, and throughout the summer Current± will be profiling each of this year’s categories.
Nominations for the inaugural Electric Vehicle Innovation and Excellence Awards (EVIEs) are now open, and throughout the summer Current± will be profiling each of this year’s categories.
Amongst the categories this year is the Public sector infrastructure project of the year award, which has been launched specifically to recognise local authorities, councils and other public bodies that have gone above and beyond to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles in their region.
Who should enter?
We’re looking to hear from any local authority, council or other public body that has an EV infrastructure project that is truly worth shouting about. This category is split geographically, recognising projects in both England & Wales and Scotland & Ireland.
While we expect such infrastructure projects to focus primarily on the actual charge points, we will also consider the installation of associated works, be it network-related technologies to mitigate the impact of EVs, battery storage, on-site generation or a combination of those listed.
All works must have been completed on or after 3 June 2018 and prior to the close of this year’s nominations window – 22 November 2019 – to be eligible for this year’s award.
How to enter?
Entering the EVIEs could not be simpler. Our nominations is entirely online and entrants can submit into as many categories as they wish to from the same profile.
Step one
Create a profile on the EVIEs website here. You’ll need a few simple details such as name and email address, and to create a password for your EVIEs account. Click ‘save’ at the bottom of the page to create your account.
Step two
Once signed in, clicking ‘The Awards Categories’ will bring up all the entry information and eligibility criteria for each of this year’ categories, but to start a submission click on the ‘Submissions’ tab, followed by ‘add new’.
Step three
Select which category you intend to enter and fill out the capture form. You’ll be prompted for mandatory details such as name of the entry, and you can add as much or as little detail as you like. Two supporting images and a supporting PDF document can also be attached to your entry.
If you want to save your progress to amend at a later date, click ‘save and continue later’. If you’re happy to submit your entry, click ‘save and submit’.
Step four
You can now add multiple entries from the same account. Simply make sure you’re signed and follow steps two and three again for each submission you wish to make.
Step five
Sit back, relax, and wait to see if your submission(s) make the shortlists when they are published in February 2020.
How to attend
Various table and sponsorship packages are available for the EVIEs 2020, with a range of options open to suit any budget, from headline sponsor to standard table bookings. At present individual seats are not available to purchase.
Every ticket gains entry to the pre-event drinks reception, gala dinner, awards celebration and post-show party.
More information on sponsorship and table packages can be found here, by submitting this form or by contacting Matt Wallhead on [email protected].