Energy analyst EnAppSys has published a new report showing that Great Britain was a net energy importer in the first half of 2023, while France exports the most power of any country in Europe.
The report looks at the value of imports and exports in Europe during the first six months of 2023. France’s total net exports for the period were 17.6TWh, with most going to Great Britain (8TWh) and Italy (9TWh).
The UK, meanwhile, was a net importer of energy, with 18.6TWh imported compared to –3.9TWh exported in the first half of 2023, giving a net import of 14.7TWh, the second highest in Europe after Italy, who imported 25.9TWh.
In the second half of 2022, GB imported just 7.1TWh and exported 12.4TWh exported, a net export of 5.3TWh.
France takes the crown as Europe’s largest net power exporter in H1 2023, sending 17.6TWh mostly to Britain and Italy, thanks to reviving nuclear assets.
— EnAppSys (@enappsys) August 7, 2023
Sweden was second at 14.6TWh, while Spain overtook Germany to be third highest net exporter with 8.8TWh, driven by lower gas…
Jean-Paul Harreman, director of EnAppSys BV, said: “The cause for the increase of exports in France versus the previous year was an increased availability of the country’s nuclear assets. Although availability is still 10-15% lower than normal, the increase in capacity of between 5 and 10 GW versus last year helped to flip the French energy balance to export again.
“As cheaper generation became available to the French market, it started exporting to GB again. The price differential ensured that cheaper power flowed from France to Britain.”