A ‘policy vacuum’ for long-duration energy storage (LDES) technologies is threatening Ireland’s 2030 renewable target, research by market consultancy Cornwall Insight has revealed.
According to the firm’s Review of deployment of long-duration energy storage in the electricity sector in Ireland report, limited financial incentives, a lack of clear targets, and market design limitations are all hindering the development of LDES technologies.
LDES, for example, is seen as key to balancing the grid’s growing renewable generation, like wind, over multiple days rather than just hours once their share of loads hits a critical mass. As such, the technology is seen as a crucial component of net zero.
The report cautions that without an increase in LDES rollout and deployment speed, Ireland could fall short of its 2030 renewables target, aiming to increase the share of electricity generated from renewable sources up to 80%.
For this 2030 scenario, it is estimated that LDES capacity will need to reach 2.4GW. At present there is only 0.29GW of LDES on the Irish grid, all coming from a pumped storage hydro (PSH) asset operational at Turlough Hill. Another 0.36GW of PSH is planned at Silvermines in Tipperary.

This article first appeared on Current±’s sister publication Solar Power Portal.