The first five years of collaboration across Britain’s energy networks and the wider energy sector – through Energy Networks Association’s (ENA) world-leading Open Networks programme – has delivered transformational change to a smarter, more flexible energy system in the UK.
Through this industry collaboration, the UK procured a record-breaking 2.9GW of energy flexibility in 2021 – putting the country considerably ahead of every other nation in Europe. However as renewables become more prevalent and decarbonisation gathers pace, that figure must grow considerably, creating significant opportunities for industry stakeholders to play their part in creating more flexible energy networks.
This webinar will discuss ENA’s and the wider energy sector’s ambitions for flexibility in 2022 and the next five years, examine the role of Ofgem’s Smart Systems and Flexibility Plan in encouraging flexibility and present opinions from organisation’s that are taking action in the here and now to help encourage the use of renewables and grow the flexibility market.