Nick Winser, the new president of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) has lauded the role of consumers as ‘change-makers’ in a future, decentralised power market.
Winser took the role on 1 October and used his president’s address last week to address the changing energy market and how it will impact on engineers’ roles.
Household renewables, battery storage and electric vehicles are contributing towards a transition away from large, centralised power stations and Winser said it was important that the IET continue engaging with the next generation of engineers to help drive that.
“With the widespread deployment of renewable energy technologies, massive commercial availability of electric cars and smart homes, energy customers will become change-makers and their voice is now more prominent than ever in shaping the energy market, products and services available.
“During my term as IET president, I will champion engineers and technologists as our greatest innovators and the diversity of skills needed within the profession to drive forward this change, in order to meet the needs of society,” he said.