It’s no secret that the grid in Britain is increasingly posing a challenge to the rollout of green technologies, as the country pushes towards net zero.
Renewable generation has surged in recent years, with a new record for zero carbon electricity generated onto the grid being set on 4 January 2023, with 87.6% coming from renewables and nuclear.
Last year, renewables accounted for around 40% of Britain’s electricity mix, according to analysis from Imperial College London for Drax Electric Insight.
As developers clamour to build out more capacity, the wait time for a grid connection is growing, with many having to wait till 2028 or longer for their connection.
This is one of the most significant challenges for developers of both industrial and commercial, and residential assets.
There are a host of options open to these developers if they take a holistic approach however, including utilising domestic solar and storage, energy efficiency measures and other smartgrid technologies.
In our next Current± Briefing, we sit down with SNRG’s managing director Dan Nicholls and delivery and operations director David Burbidge to discuss how an end-to-end strategy that embraces smart technologies can help mitigate and overcome grid constraints.
Current± Briefings: Tackling grid constraints as a developer, which will run on 2 February at 10am, will be the second in the webinar series for 2023.
It follows on from webinars in the series on transmission charges post-Triads, grid integration, the Energy Price Guarantee, the future of Dynamic Containment and vehicle-to-grid technology. As well as sessions on EV smart charging, the emerging inertia market and how the energy crisis is impacting on the Capacity Market during the beginning of 2022.
Register and find out more about Current± Briefings: Tackling grid constraints as a developer, sponsored by SNRG here.