The UK World Wildlife Fund’s (WWF-UK) new energy conscious report “Warm homes, not warm words”, implores the British government to develop a time-sensitive plan for improvements to energy efficiency, and low-carbon heating, in order to avoid missing the 2030 targets in line with the Climate Change Act.
“Renewable heating has for too long been an afterthought in Government’s energy policy,” said Mike Landy, Renewable Energy Association’s head of on-site renewables.
The report criticised the government for implementing a relatively small number of regulations, such as the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI), that target the green performance of heating systems, and challenges the government to make the transition to an energy-efficient and low-carbon heating system “a key government priority”. Yet even for the existing low-carbon heating incentives like the RHI, many organisations still insist the British government needs to do more.
“We need the government to provide certainty on the continued development of the RHI,” Wood Heat Association interim chairman Julian Morgan-Jones said.
Solar Trade Association chief executive Paul Barwell said: “We’re urging the next government to expand RHI support to cover space heating, combined PV/thermal panels and swimming pools so that more people and businesses will be able to enjoy savings from sunshine.”
As a result of clear, comprehensive policies outlining incentives and regulations, the WWF-UK suggests awareness for the need of low-carbon heating would spread, driving action and consumer support.
The need for heat networks was also considered a top priority and the report suggests the local and federal governments work together to create overseeing governmental structures to ensure rapid delivery of quality networks at scale.
WWF’s report said the UK needs to install at least 3.6 million new domestic heat pumps to meet our climate targets.
For the report, click here.