Swedish cleantech firm Aira and smart home provider Hive have formed a long-term strategic partnership to help boost the number of heat pumps being installed in the UK.
A report by trade association Renewable UK has made a case for reforming the planning system and financial support mechanisms to encourage more battery projects to co-locate with offshore wind.
A new review from trade group Energy UK has revealed businesses need more support to switch to clean energy and take advantage of the business benefits this can bring.
Energy software provider SMPnet has announced that it has teamed up with software provider Barbara to provide adaptive grid optimization software for the firm.
The UK’s National Energy System Operator (NESO) control room issued an Electricity Margin Notice (EMN) in the evening of 7 January for the period between 4PM and 7PM on 8 January.
The UK Power Networks (UKPN) distribution system operator (DSO) arm has announced it is celebrating a significant milestone in flexibility, as over 100,000 live assets have been registered on its platform.