SP Energy Networks (SPEN) has procured 140MW of flexibility contracts in its latest tender, the first in which it has tendered for low voltage flexibility.
The distribution network operator (DNO) looked to procure flexibility services across high voltage (HV), extra-high voltage (EHV) and low voltage (LV) locations for the RIIO-ED2 business plan period of 2023-2028.
Bids were accepted across 55 sites at HV, EHV and 132kV, the DNO said. In central and southern Scotland, 24MW of flexible energy was secured across 10 locations at HV and EHV.
In north-west England and north Wales, 113MW was secured across 12 locations at HV and EHV, and 3MW was secured across the full LV network at 33 locations.
Graham Campbell, head of whole systems and commercial for SP Energy Networks, said the DNO is “encouraged by the responses from flexibility providers to this latest tender”, adding the bids enable the company to identify “the level of flexible capacity available in areas where it could benefit the network, understand the capabilities of these resources and assess the viability of using flexibility to meet network requirements”.
SPEN’s next flexibility tender is to commence at the end of April.
It comes as the past six months have seen a number of flexibility tenders from the various DNOs, including WPD tendering for 238MW in January, Northern Powergrid opening a ‘no one size fits all’ 19MW tender in December and Electricity North West seeking 122MW in November.