Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) has contracted 202MW of flexible energy in its latest procurement round – a 140% increase in available options a year compared to previous rounds.
The flexible options were procured in 16 of SSEN’s central southern England license area, as the transmission and distribution network starts a new procurement round across its north and south regions to increase its flexibility service portfolio.
Flexibility will be key to enabling the increased uptake of electricity-intensive low-carbon technologies such as electric vehicles (EVs). According to SSEN, the accelerated uptake of low-carbon technologies will mean electricity demand will increase by at least 50% by 2035.
A recent study by Imperial College London and the Carbon Trust revealed that if the UK embeds a fully flexible energy system, it could deliver net savings of between £9.6 billion and £16.7 billion per year in 2050.
“We are delighted to secure these flexibility services, supporting our ambitious targets to accelerate to a net zero future. This is a vital part of our journey for flexibility services, and it’s encouraging to see an increase in response from flexibility providers for September’s tender,” said Catherine Winning, flexibility manager at SSEN.
“I would urge flexibility service providers to familiarise themselves with the opportunities available, to enable involvement in future tenders. The next tender round starts with our webinar in September which is a network wide call for flexibility for all assets.”
Behind-the-meter flexibility options also have a key role to play in a net zero future. Following last year’s success, National Grid ESO confirmed last week that its Demand Flexibility Service (DFS) will re-open this winter.