SSEN Transmission has concluded a consultation to seek views on plans for its first ever community benefit scheme, which will see communities living near its transmission infrastructure benefit from funding for local projects.
The leaders of 34 British housing associations have called for more targeted government support to help low-income households struggling with the cost of living crisis this winter.
The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) has announced £8.85 million in funding to train up to 8,000 people in retrofitting and installing insulation to reduce energy consumption in UK households.
The Department for Energy Security & Net Zero’s (DESNZs) Green Heat Network Fund (GHNF) has awarded £91 million between seven low carbon heating projects.
A new consortium has received a successful bid in the Innovate UK Net Zero Living programme with it now eyeing up to £5 million in the next stage to boost its energy planning technology.
The UK Government has today (17 January) announced £3.27 million funding will be given to upgrade the electric vehicle (EV) charging network across Northern Ireland.
The UK Government has today (19 December) confirmed details of new schemes to provide additional support to households across Britain and Northern Ireland amidst the rising costs of energy bills.
So Energy has revealed it is no longer exploring additional funding options, citing a fall in future wholesale prices, continued governmental support and ESB backing as a means of becoming more financially sound moving into 2023.
Two EDF Energy-led projects have been awarded grant funding from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) under its £60 million Heat Pump Ready Programme.