Provisional contracts of over 312MW of demand side response (DSR) capacity have been awarded in the latest transitional capacity market auction, the last to be dedicated solely to the demand turn down.
The UK is currently not doing enough to properly develop demand side response (DSR) technologies despite lofty targets for its use and obvious benefits to the grid.
Clean energy utility Good Energy has said it is to streamline its business in order to pursue new smart energy technologies such as electric vehicles and storage.
Germany-headquartered utility innogy has backed a renewed investment in innovation to return it to growth after earnings fell 10% in the year following its IPO.
A £180 million reserve power scheme established by National Grid ended without once being used, the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU) has claimed.
The potential impact of electric vehicles (EVs) and the associated infrastructure on the UK’s energy system is being largely ignored, according to speakers at Solar Media’s Energy Storage Summit.
Ofgem has said it is minded to drastically cut embedded benefit payments to local embedded generators as part of what it says is a bid to protect consumers and prevent market distortion.
Siemens has signed a new joint venture agreement with German decentralised power expert Allgäuer Überlandwerk (AUW) to expand on its existing smart grid business.