A report published by think tank Green Alliance has claimed that the UK public could save as much as £2.5 billion by 2025 if the government introduced a feed-in tariff for energy efficiency technologies.
Solar installers looking to diversify into new technologies should the government’s 87% cuts to the feed-in tariff come into force are looking at a large number of markets, a Solar Media survey has found.
The UK’s drive to both build more energy efficient homes and retrofit existing ones with energy efficient measures could lead to an 80% increase in asthma sufferers as indoor air quality suffers.
The Republic of Ireland government is to launch a €130 million fund for energy efficiency and domestic renewables in a bid to combat fuel poverty in the country.
The biggest threat to the UK’s clean energy sector is a lack of certainty and clarity over government policy Rob Gross, director at Imperial College London’s centre for energy policy, has said.
Energy secretary Amber Rudd has said the UK can become “a home for energy innovation” and has pledged to support businesses working on new energy efficiency technologies.
Biomass firm Innasol has called on the UK government to extend its commitments to the Renewable Heat Incentive if it is to reach its goal after last week’s degression.
New research conducted by the Association for Decentralised Energy (ADE) has claimed the UK could save up to £3 billion a year in energy expenditure by implementing “immediate, practical, cost effective steps” to improve efficiency.
Newly installed heating and hot water systems must now display energy efficiency labels rating each system after EU legislation came into force last weekend.