Vickers Electronics has launched a new interface for its flagship V42 energy management system to allow customers to access their control unit remotely from anywhere in the UK and abroad.
VickersVision allows those responsible for energy consumption to interface with the Vickers V42 centralised control unit, which regulates energy consumption using digital sensors placed throughout a site, and alter the system from anywhere using the mobile or desktop software.
David Hilton, managing director of Vickers Electronics, said: “VickersVision gives our customers the flexibility they require – even when monitoring their energy consumption. This is a fantastic addition to our energy management systems, our customers need to be able to access their site heating wherever they are and VickersVision allows them to do this.
“It’s the next generation in the ever growing sector of energy management as companies across the UK seek to reduce their energy usage, and thus reduce the bills and the high costs associated with them.”
Vickers Electronics says the new service, which will be offered as standard to new customers, will enhance flexibility when using the V42 energy management unit, which is already responsive to energy usage needs caused by changes in weather, manual errors or malfunctions.
Eliot Buckby, maintenance manager of Hörmann (UK) which has been using VickersVision for eight months, said: “It has proved to be a useful tool in overseeing our energy consumption and temperature control of our site. Using The Vickers Vision longside our Vickers energy management system has given us greater flexibility and control over how we manage our business day-to-day and giving all users flexibility to control the energy management system whether it be on the go using an iPad, or at their computer.”