Bacardi has committed to a series of ambitious emissions reductions after the company’s interim report for the fiscal year ending 31 March 2015 showed it had made significant progress towards its existing aims.
Between April 2014 and the end of the last full financial year for the company, Bacardi cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 3.7% compared to the previous year. This meant the company had reduced these emissions by almost a third (32.3%) since 2006.
The spirits producer achieved the latest reduction through non-renewable energy efficiency and plans to achieve a 15% improvement in GHG emissions efficiency over FY2016.
As well as reductions in total waste sent to landfill and continuing to have all of its production facilities certified to ISO9001, ISO14001 and OHSAS 18001 management system standards, Bacardi was able to reduce its total energy use by over 3% in one year.
The 1,890TJs of energy used by the company is 15% lower than in FY2009. While fuel oil remains the top fuel type used by the company, this too has fallen sharply as other sources are added to the energy mix.
The share of renewable energy increased in FY2015, during which time Bacardi installed two biomass boilers, with a third planned for the coming year.