Scotland’s green energy sector currently supports 22,660 jobs, according to new research that also found that renewables provide 97% of its electricity consumption.
The University of Strathclyde found that onshore wind is the biggest renewable employer in the country, with 8,780 full-time equivalent jobs, while offshore wind comes in second with 4,700 and hydropower takes third spot with 3,290.
The energy industry also supports almost 3,000 jobs in construction and 2,200 jobs in manufacturing
It comes among other figures released by the university that found the renewable energy industry supports output of £5.2 billion a year in Scotland and provides the equivalent of 97% of its electricity consumption.
Onshore wind also takes top spot for highest output at £2.4 billion, followed by hydropower at £915 million and offshore wind at £889 million.
Claire Mack, chief executive of ScottishRenewables, said: “Armed with this data we can now begin the process of mapping the industry’s growth as it takes a central place in the recovery from COVID-19 and, of course, as we deploy more of the energy generation technology needed to meet our 2045 net zero carbon emissions target.”
Scotland’s renewable energy sector is expected to continue to expand in the coming years, with a goal of increasing the volume of Scottish offshore wind from 1GW to 11GW by 2030.
There is also expected to be a rapid expansion of low-carbon heat technologies such as heat pumps and district heating networks, which will support further green jobs.