Network operator SP Energy Networks (SPEN) has put out a call for flexibility, with a tender for 1.4GW of services across areas in SP Manweb and SP Distribution.
It is using trading platform Piclo to tender for the flexibility for the period 2023-2028. Additionally, it is looking for flexibility services for during the COP26 United Nations Climate Change Conference event in Glasgow in November 2021.
Sites will be chosen in locations where the operator is expecting growing demand due to increased uptake of low carbon technologies such as electric vehicles and heat pumps. By procuring flexibility from generators, aggregators and energy storage providers through tenders, SPEN can reduce the amount of traditional reinforcement needed, reducing costs for customers.
Flexibility has a “vital role” to play in the UK’s transition to “cleaner, greener energy” said Graham Campbell, head of whole systems & commercial at SPEN .
“Following the success of our last flexibility tender, we’re keen to replicate that feat by allowing more flexibility providers to invest and work with us to help achieve net zero emissions targets.”
The tender – open for pre-qualification from today till Friday 11 June 2021 – is the latest from SPEN, and follows procurement of 193MW of flexibility services in previous tenders. This includes accepted bids of 53MW in October 2019, and 140MW in October 2020.
In March, the DNO also procured 140MW of flexibility contracts for the RIIO-ED2 business plan period of 2023-2028.
Britain’s network operators have had a busy period in terms of procuring flexibility services, with WPD tendering for 238MW in January 2021, Northern Powergrid opening a ‘no one size fits all’ 19MW tender in December 2020 and Electricity North West seeking 122MW in November 2020.
Following the pre-qualification period, SPEN’s tender competition will open on Monday 28 June and close on Friday 2 July.
“We’re excited to continue to lead the way towards a greener future and look forward to receiving competitive offers from flexibility providers over the coming weeks,” added Campbell.