From the beginning of the wholesale gas crisis to the end of the newly extended Energy Price Guarantee initiative, gas will have added £4,400 to the average household’s energy bill, according to the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU).
Hydrogen could play a vitally important role in the decarbonisation of the UK power system by providing flexibility services as a cheaper alternative to gas-fired flexible generation, Aurora Energy Research said.
“Gas prices are expected to remain high and volatile for the foreseeable future. The forward wholesale gas curve suggests prices will remain significantly elevated into the coming winter period and seasons beyond,” said Sam Peek, senior analyst of assets and infrastructure at Cornwall insight.
OVO Energy customers are set to benefit from a new scheme that will see zero emission boilers (ZEBs) installed for free in the South East and the East of England.
Energy UK has criticised proposals to impose a revenue cap on low carbon energy generators with it potentially hindering the investment that is needed to safeguard the UK’s energy security and reduce energy bills.
Following on from Prime Minister Liz Truss unveiling a range of measures to help mitigate the impact of the energy crisis, Current± takes a look at the industry's reactions.
A coalition of 38 civil society groups have called on government to support households facing surging energy bills, to scale up measures to reduce gas use and to drive forwards renewable energy.