Electricity North West (ENW) has become the latest distribution network operator (DNO) to join Flexible Power, a platform designed to make engaging with network flexibility simpler.
Having launched in October 2020, Flexible Power details the flexibility locations, requirement data, procurement notes and documentation of DNOs Western Power Distribution (WPD), SP Energy Networks (SPEN), Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks, Northern Powergrid and now ENW.
It was created as a direct response to customer feedback calling for a simpler way to engage in the distribution flexibility services market, enabling a more streamlined process between flexibility providers and DNOs.
Work is continuing on the Flexible Power brand and the portal functionality, with further development focused on enabling interface capability with other flexibility platforms to enable more market participation options for providers.
Steve Cox, ENW’s engineering and technical director, said: “We are looking forward to joining this collaboration, which we believe will be instrumental in supporting the development of these new markets and further reduce barriers to participation.”
It comes after SPEN launched its latest tender for flexibility services last month, seeking 1.4GW across areas in SP Manweb and SP Distribution, while WPD tendered for 238MW in January.