The first stage of the Electricity System Operator’s (ESO) Pennine Voltage Pathfinder system has gone live as part of ESO’s plan to manage voltages on the rapidly changing electricity network.
The UK's energy regulator Ofgem has opened a consultation on early competition for transmission projects and raised the spending cap for establishing NESO
The high volume of renewables in Britain's electricity mix saw generation average at 133gCO2/kWh - "the lowest achieved in the last year" - the National Grid ESO has said.
The T-1 Capacity Market Auction for delivery year 2024/25 concluded yesterday (20 February) clearing at £35.79/kW/year - 40% less than the £60/kW/year cleared in the 2023/24 auction.
National Grid ESO is awarding early-start contracts to manage constraints in the East-Anglia region, thereby delivering £20 million in consumer savings sooner.
To celebrate the energy industry's collective efforts, Current± outlines some the top decarbonisation successes of 2023 featuring reflective comments from key industry players.
The Crown Estate and National Grid ESO have agreed to develop their partnership, delivering two recommendations from electricity networks commissioner Nick Winser to accelerate the deployment of transmission infrastructure in Britain.
Gas was the largest source of electricity generation for Britain in November at 31% according to National Grid ESO's monthly electricity statistics, closely followed by wind at 30.7%.