Spatial analytics and software firm Advanced Infrastructure and Ireland’s Distribution System Operator (DSO) have announced a joint innovation project to speed up the connection application process.
The Energy Networks Association (ENA) has released figures suggesting that, since it launched its Strategic Connections Group, electricity network operators (ENOs) have removed 10GW of “zombie” projects from the connections queue.
A poll conducted by energy consultancy Cornwall Insight shows that 75% of energy experts feel that getting a timely grid connection is the greatest challenge in the rollout of renewables in the UK.
Ofgem has published an open letter providing an update on the processes it is undertaking to progress key initiatives from the November 2023 Connections Action Plan (CAP).
Cornwall Insight’s Renewables Pipeline Tracker shows that only 20% of projects submitted for planning between 2018 and 2023 remain in development statuses that could see projects coming to fruition.