Network operator Northern Powergrid has launched its Spring flexibility tender, which could deliver £7.5 million in deferred network reinforcement costs.
New stories in the e-mobility space this week include the announcement of a partnership between Northern Powergrid and Octopus which will see the energy company allow its EV customers to use their vehicles as a virtual power station, while Jersey is rolling out new EV infrastructure and E.ON has partnered with fleet management company Alphabet to offer its charging solutions to their customers.
Northern Powergrid has launched a new project with consultancies TNEI and LCP Delta to help develop a new framework for enabling smart local energy systems (SLES) across the low voltage network.
Both Ofgem and the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) have set out a number of recommendations for network operators, as their reviews find service was “unacceptable” during Storm Arwen.